Recommended Walking Cources

Kita-Kamakura to Zeniarai-Benten via Genji-Yama

This hiking course takes you from Kita-Kamakura Station through the scenic Genjiyama Park to Zeniarai Benten Shrine. From Genjiyama Park, you can choose to descend to Zeniarai Benten or continue towards the Great Buddha. If you’ve already explored the temples of Kita-Kamakura, the route to Zeniarai Benten and back to Kamakura Station is a great option.

For those seeking a longer hike, extend your journey to the Great Buddha and Hasedera Temple before returning to Kamakura Station by Enoden train.

Course Summary:
Kita-Kamakura Station – Engaku-ji – Tokei-ji – Jochi-ji – Genji-yama hiking trail – Zeniarai-Benten – Kamakura Station