
Opening to the public of Jufuku-ji precincts



Jufuji-ji’s precincts are usually closed. You can only look in from the gate of the temple. It is open to the public during Golden Week (holidays in May) and New Year, then I went there in May 2013.

It is a season of beautiful green. Jufuku-ji’s approach and precincts are also full of green. It is not so crowded, but people are coming there all the time. Some rickshaws for Kamakura visitors are also visited there.

There are large juniper trees in the precincts. One is able to be seen from the gate that is in front of the Butsuden, and I found other tree junipers, two are located on both sides of the gate and one is located at the right of the Butsuden. A garden beside the precincts is closed. I can see Sho-ro (bell tower) on the right side of the garden.

You can’t enter the Butsuden but can see the statue of Shaka-Nyorai and large statues of Nio on both sides of it.