Ogane and Benten-do (in Engaku-ji)

円覚寺 - 洪鐘

円覚寺 - 洪鐘

円覚寺 - 弁天堂

円覚寺 - 弁天堂

Engakuji’s Bonsho (bell) is located at the top of a hill named Ogane (big bell), which is a national treasure as well as Kencho-ji’s.

It is the biggest bell in Kamakura.

There is Benten-do next to Ogane, which enshrines Benzaiten (Sarasvatī). It was established when Ogane was made because Enoshima Benzaiten blessed Ogane. Although it is written in 1301 when the bell had been completed, Ogane-sai (Ogane festival) is performing every 61 years, but previously it was held in 1965 and the next time it will be held in 2020 according to the internet. I’m not sure how to calculate when the festival should be held.

There is a teahouse next to Benten-do. you can take a break while enjoying a wonderful view here. Tokei-ji, which is located on the opposite side of the Yokosuka line looks good.


円覚寺 - 洪鐘

円覚寺 - 洪鐘

円覚寺 - 弁天堂

円覚寺 - 弁天堂



